Advocate Martin Liebert

Photo: fotografa
Professional lawyer specialised in the following legal fields of activity:
Lecturer activities:
- Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V., Berlin (BBA)
- University of Applied Sciences for Administration and Legal Administration, since 2009: College of Administration and Law (HWR)
- Lecturer and examiner at the Common Examination Office of Berlin und Brandenburg (GJPA)
- New Schule for Photography Berlin (IAPH e.V.)
- Management Center Innsbruck (MCI)
Curriculum Vitae
- Born and raised in Rosenheim, Bavaria.
- Studies in political science, communication and history at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (LMU München) and at the Free University Berlin (FU Berlin).
- After studies, Assessor at the Treuhandanstalt Berlin, Directorate for special assets.
- From 1994 til 1996 Referendariat (practical judicial education) at the Superior Court, Berlin, at the House of World Cultures, Berlin (HKW) and at the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (Deutsch-Indische Handelskammer) in Chennai (Madras), India.
- From 1994 til 1997 Research Assitant and Lecturer for German and European Civil Law at the Law Faculty - Potsdam University (Universität Potsdam).
- From 1997 til 2002 Research Assistant & Lecturer at the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University in Berlin (GBZ).
- Since 2003 Advocate in Berlin.
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